
The Miraculous Lives in Your Consciousness of Righteousness

  You have heard the stories; you've seen the TV shows and YouTube videos of miracles still taking place today. You have no doubt witnessed the blind man see and the cripple woman in the wheel chair jump up and walk. How about a man who instantaneously grew a new ear drum after being deaf in that ear for 54 years? Or a woman whose muscular sclerosis suddenly vanished or a woman healed of asthma after more than 50 years? Do you believe such things still happen today? If you do, then it is very likely that your belief in the miraculous comes with a side of self-doubt. That is, you may believe that it is possible for that television preacher to lay hands on the sick and they recover, or for that famous faith healer with the gigantic church to perform the supernatural on a weekly basis. However, your belief, of course, stops short at you. If someone asked you to come down to the front of the church and lay hands on the sick and heal them, sheer panic would seize your body and disbelief...